Interpreting Students

Your interpreting education program will give you the foundation to begin working in this exciting field. The experience you gain after graduation will prepare you for professional credentials.

Many new graduates take advantage of mentorship or internship opportunities to gain experience working with a wide range of people in a wide range of settings with the supervision and support of skilled practitioners. Learn about the area where you plan to live and work. States have different work eligibility requirements such as state screening or licensure, separate from national certification granted by the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID, Inc.). You can find more information about credentials from RID.

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RID Scholarships

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RID Scholarships

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Research Corner

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Research Corner

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Through an experiential learning model, The CATIE Center is offering the Graduation to Certification (GTC) program which includes the GTC Journey track – a method for making new resources available to as many people as possible. The CATIE Center has also created an opportunity for interpreters in the community to use GoReact with their colleagues and/or mentors for getting feedback on video samples. This requires a license from GoReact

You can read more of the details about this option by clicking on the button below!


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